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Doxygen is a documentation language.

Doxygen commands start with "\". Alternatively,"@" can be used instead.

File header#

Command Description
@brief DESC short class description DESC
@note TEXT a special note
@todo DESC description DESC of what is still to do
@bug DESC description DESC of a bug

Dont use @file, @date, doxygen will read it from the file meta data. If you use a version control system, @author, @version are also redundant.

Function annotations#

Command Description
@brief DESC short function description DESC
@param PAR DESC description DESC of parameter PAR
@return DESC description DESC of the return value
@todo DESC description DESC of what is still to do

Dont use @name its 100% redundant. Shorts: @p = @param

/*! Short Description on the first line

    Detailed description...

float integral(float x, float dt);

Member Annotation#

´´´ //!< Brief description after the member ´´´